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20190316 Computer Language Comparison

Here I compare the language features of the languages I use or am learning right now.

I write code in Groovy for some years now since Gradle is currently my main tool at work.

I have implemented code in C++ for about 10 years, I think it was enough of this language for some time.

Java was and is always in use, but I guess there are already enough words said about Java in the net.

I have started looking into Python, because sometimes you really don’t want to start Gradle, which can take some seconds and makes no sense for a script which needs 1 second for execution itself.

I am learning Kotlin and Swift at the moment with the aim to write Android and IOS apps.

Writing down my findings will hopefully be an additional way to fix what I have learned.

I will not follow any order and please don’t expect completeness.

This is a list of open questions found while working on the comparisons

These are comparisons I have started working on :

20190316 Multiple Assignments

20190322 Iterating Arrays And Lists

20190324 Passing Closures And Functions

20190404_Classes, Constructors, Named Parameters