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daily noise - My Blog

Here I share my experiences about small problems for which I have found solutions working for me.

20220227 My Own Nexus

20200930 Statusmonitor V2

20200715 Spring Boot Status Monitor

20200601 Web App With Java Spark

20200501 Jenkins Groovy Init Script

20200419 MicroService POST And GET In Java Spark Tested With Swift CommandLine Application

20200418 Swift URLSession HTTP GET CommandLine Application

20200418 MicroService Java Spark HTTP GET

20200331 Mosquitto Pi Setup

20200321 My MQTT Tooling And Setup

20200321 Why MQTT

20200318 MQTT Groovy Example

20200301 Books I Suggest

20190107 Develop Python On Android

20180802 CISystem Requirement Specification 2018 Update

20180729 My Blog Tools

20180721 Theme And Menu On GitHub Pages

20180707 HTML Framework In Groovy For Creating Tables

20180624 How To Open A Series Of HTML Files In Firefox In The Same Tab Without Using The GUI

20180617 How To Check An Ethernet Cable Works For 1GBit

20180602 How To Connect 2 Rooms Using WiFi

20170611 Raspberry Pi - Developer Tools 5 - USB Pendrive Ext4

20170530 Raspberry Pi - Developer Tools 4 - Tomcat Web Server

20170527 Raspberry Pi - Setup A Retropie To Play C64-Games

20170525 Raspberry Pi - Developer Tools 3 - Bash Shortcuts

20170525 Raspberry Pi - Developer Tools 2- Java Gradle Git

20170525 Raspberry Pi - Developer Tools 1 - FTP Server

20170509 Raspberry Pi static eth0 ad-hoc wlan0

20170426 Raspberry Pi raspi-config

20170422 Raspberry Pi

20170420 Develop Software On Ipad

20161230 Human Readable Object Export

20161218 H2 For Logging

20161028 Example For Combining OP And CPP With Wait And Notify

20161008 Reflection

20160820 Example For Multi Threading And Synchronized Data Structure Acces

20160710 Calling Groovy From Java To Read Json

20160626 Sending Objects Via Sockets